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William Raskoff, MD

Cardiology, San Francisco

Inspired by his own professors while still a medical student at Stanford University, William Raskoff, MD has gone on to become an inspirational educator in his own right.

In the past 35 years, he has taught generations of general internists and aspiring cardiologists. With the recent establishment of a Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship at KPSF, his skills as a teacher are now enhancing the education of advanced trainees.

During his own training, Dr. Raskoff was deeply impressed by the humanity of many of his teachers and their ability to apply the most modern technology and science without sacrificing compassion for their patients. He now models this delicate balance between science and compassion for his own students.

From him, they learn that everything about a patient counts — not just their disease. They learn the importance of identifying the unique characteristics of each patient, and shaping treatment accordingly.

As a former resident recalls with admiration, “I have watched Bill patiently help countless interns and residents retain humanity and consideration for the lives they are responsible for, even while imparting more complex and sophisticated technical knowledge and skills. Every last one of these people winds up being a better doctor, and sometimes even a better person.”

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