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Aana Brenman, MD

Assistant Physician-in-Chief, KP San Francisco

“Dr. Brenman has revolutionized our approach to quality and has quite literally taken us to first in outpatient quality with her strategic thinking and engagement. She excels at seeing the long game and thinking back from destination to the pathway to excellence.”
-Maria Ansari, MD, physician-in-chief, KP San Francisco

Aana Brenman, MD, is known for her clarity of vision, commitment to excellence, and ability to inspire. Her broad portfolio includes Adult and Family Medicine, Outpatient Quality and Population Care, Geriatrics and Supportive Care Services, and Documentation and Coding. Due to her effectiveness in rolling out large-scale operations, she was chosen to lead the medical center’s COVID Vaccine Team.

When faced with a challenge, Dr. Brenman relies on those closest to the issues to uncover root causes before working on a plan. “I’ve learned it’s actually the staff and physicians who have the answers and it’s our job as leaders to listen, remove barriers, and help initiate solutions.”

Her inclusive approach has earned her the respect of her staff and colleagues—and delivers results. “Some of the most rewarding parts about being a leader is getting to really experience the change that you helped create.”

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