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Gregg Gayre, MD

The field of ophthalmology is transforming from examining eyes directly to using images for monitoring disease progression and intervening to prevent vision loss. Reviewing digital images is now essential to how ophthalmologists diagnose and treat eye conditions. By the early…

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Gregory Marelich, MD

Across KP Northern California, the TeleCritical Care program spearheaded by Gregory Marelich, MD, now provides patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) and their nurses with access to a TPMG “teleintensivist” during the critical nighttime hours. “We utilize telepresence and…

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Bonnie Quiroz, MD

The field of ophthalmology is transforming from examining eyes directly to using images for monitoring disease progression and intervening to prevent vision loss. Reviewing digital images is now essential to how ophthalmologists diagnose and treat eye conditions. By the early…

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Jitesh Vasadia, MD

Amiodarone is a powerful medication commonly used for treating cardiac rhythm disorders such as atrial fibrillation. While highly effective, if prescribed improperly it can have serious side effects. “Amiodarone is a toxic medication when used outside the prescribing guidelines, and…

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