Joel Levis, MD, PhD
“My hope is that Heart Alerts will help other ED physicians rapidly identify a STEMI heart attack and know exactly what to do.”
A patient is rushed into the Emergency Department with a massive heart attack. What do you do?
Dr. Joel Levis answers this challenging question in Heart Alerts, his instructive write-up of patients presenting to the ED with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). He has written up more than 500 cases as teaching tools for his fellow ED physicians, cardiologists and interventional cardiologists throughout the region.
“I’m a proponent of the case-based education process,” says Dr. Levis. “The average physician working in our ED may only see two or three STEMI cases per year, so my hope is that these Heart Alerts will help physicians rapidly identify a STEMI case and know exactly what to do.”
In addition, Dr. Levis has directed over 50 disaster simulations, giving hundreds of physicians and staff a team-based experience in various disaster scenarios. In 2014, Santa Clara received the
Samuel R. Sherman Award for innovation in CME from the California Institute for Medical Quality, citing Dr. Levis’ real-life simulations as a form of training which is “an enhancement over the usual run of didactic emergency-preparedness lectures.”