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James Schieberl, MD

Adult and Family Medicine, Santa Rosa

“Dr. Schieberl is an inspirational leader and mentor. He’s been invaluable in helping our new primary care physicians embody our Culture of Excellence and Caring.” — Kirk Pappas, MD, Physician-in-Chief

James Schieberl, MD, knows how challenging it can be for physicians starting out in a new practice – especially one with Kaiser Permanente’s unique focus on collaborative multispecialty care. So he created an innovative new physician group to introduce new hires to the Adult and Family Medicine Department and their colleagues across the entire facility in a way that makes them feel welcome, integrated, and invigorated by their decision to join TPMG.

Dr. Schieberl devised an engaging curriculum that focuses on how to successfully integrate primary and specialty care, using a myriad of resources, programs and services. He took new primary care physicians on field trips to every department for lively discussions, and often a tour or demonstration. “Now when they call a specialist for a consultation, they’re talking with someone they know, not a stranger,” he says.

Dr. Schieberl also realized that for the orientation program to work, he needed to be directly involved. “I knew that our new physicians really wanted to have a relationship with the Chief, so I needed to be present,” he says. “One-on-one interaction also enables me to better identify those with leadership potential.”

Dr. Schieberl’s approach to new physician orientation has been so successful that other Adult and Family Medicine Departments around the region plan to replicate it.

In addition, he helped reboot Santa Rosa’s family medicine residency program, which will welcome six new residents in July 2018.

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